MNIT Jaipur PhD and Master Degree Program Notification
Malviya Institute of Technology Jaipur, Admission notification for Ph.D., M.Tech. and M.Plan.
(Only sponsored full time/part time), M.Sc., M.B.A.
(Only sponsored full time/part time), M.Sc., M.B.A.
Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur 302017
Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur 302017
Admission Details
PhD (Full time and Part time)
Disciplines:Civil, Chemical, Computer, I.T., Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Mechanical, Metallurgical & Materials, Management, Physics, Chemistry, Humanities & Social Sciences and Center for Energy & Environment.
Assistantship to eligible full time candidate is also available, as per Institute norm
M.Tech-Sponsored(Full time/Part time)
Disciplines: Environmental, Water Resources, Transportation, Power Systems, Electronics & Communication, VLSI Design, Manufacturing System, Energy, Metallurgical & Materials, Chemical, Computer, Structural, Disaster Assessment and Mitigation, Renewable Energy and Center for Energy & Environment.
M.Plan-Sponsored (Full time and Part time)
Disciplines:Urban Planning
M. Sc. – (Full Time
Disciplines: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
M.B.A.- (Full Time)
NOTE: - M. Tech./M.Plan. full time admissions would be through CCMT-2012.
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